2024 Adopt a Family

2024 Christmas Adopt a Family gives individuals, families, business and industry the opportunity to serve hard-working and self-sufficient families who have verified financial emergencies caused by a catastrophic illness, layoff, or other major adversity beyond their control. Attached are the family needs. Please understand the family’s name is not included out of respect for their privacy. Please note that this is not an application process. All families are pre-determined. If you would like to adopt one of the families, follow these instructions:

  • Families are divided in to groups by family size 
  • Click on the + at the right of a group to expand the page
  • Click on the Family# link to open a new window with that families' information, wish lists, sizes, etc.
  • TO SELECT A FAMILY return to the original window and scroll to the SPONSOR INFORMATION
  • Fill-in all blanks for the Sponsor Information
  • Scroll to the list of families and check the family/families you want to adopt
  • Scroll to the bottom of the form
  • [SUBMIT]
  • Print the two forms on the "Thank-you for adopting" page OR click HERE
  • To Submit an IN-KIND form for tax purposes click HERE
    Fill them out and bring them with you when you drop off gifts
  • Deadline to drop off gifts is on or BEFORE DEC 06, 2024 (EXTENSION Granted AS NEEDED)
  • Partial Deliveries are NOT accepted - all gifts per family MUST be dropped off at the same time
  • To give a monetary donation click the donate button below or cash app $unitedway39701


About Our Families

- I had a well paying job. I had to resign due to a emergency surgery This will be such a blessing to my son and I to get help this Christmas! It's been hard but I refuse to give up!!!

Family#9 - I’m a single mom with three children. I’m trying to go to school but because I have no one to help keep the baby

- I'm a single father who's disabled. This is my son last year of school. Things haven't been right since the pandemic. It's been difficult to pay bills and give my child anything for Christmas.

- I have work as an EMT/Firefighter for about 8 years. I have severe Asthma requiring lots of hospital stays and doctor visits.

- I just graduated from the last house on the block. I just got custody of my son. This will be our first Christmas in a long time.

- I have one daughter who's 6 years old. Last year. I took on the responsibility as being the guardian of my sister four children until further notice. It's been hard raising all 5 of them.

- I'm a single mom who had twins. One of my babies is now deceased. My son has a hearing and food disorder.

- I recently just gain custody back. I have been clean over 6 months I have re dedicated my life to the Lord and I am on my new journey. Hopefully you bless us with a great Christmas.

- I'm a single mother of one. I have a disable child who's seven years of age. It's difficult for me to find a good paying job and take care of my child.

- I'm a single Mother with various health condition . This keeps me from working, It's difficult to survive and main our basic needs.

I am a single mother who is currently facing financial difficulties. Any assistance for my child's Christmas would be greatly appreciated.

The Family are under the supervision of Lowndes County Child Protection Services. The 19year old currently resides in her own home. She still receive some assistance from the agency.

- The youth are under the supervision of Lowndes County Child Protection Services The youth is placed in the home with a relatives.

The youth are under the supervision of Lowndes County Child Protection Services and have been in their custody since 2022.

- I struggle to provide us with needs such as food and clothes and essentials. I just started back working due to my baby having seizures and having to miss work due to doctor appointments.

I had a minor stroke and I can't get around and work like I use to. I have 2 kids that depends on me. We need help with Christmas this year.

- Just lost my husband this year and it took a toll on me mentally. My health started declining due to the grieving.

- Both of my babies was born prematurely. As a result they both have an heart condition. One of them have a small whole in their heart and the other was born without a right aortic valve. We have been back and forth for years to cardiologist.

- My daughter friend passed away and she was being bullied at school. Because of this she started acting out, diagnosed with depression,social anxiety, and mood swings. I have missed a lot of days of work. Eventually I had to quit my job just to be at home with her.

- I recently gained custody of my two step children since their biological mother is not capable to properly care for the children.

I’m the mother of two, Who has loss of income . We will appreciate any support for the Holidays

I have been laid off from my job that I worked at for 5 years.. I have been out of work for 3 months. I still haven’t found work yet.

- We recently relocated back to our home town due to an unsafe environment.

- I recently became homeless and now I am having a hard time finding housing for me and my kids. I have income and a housing voucher but hasn't been fortunate enough to find a place to live.

- This year has been a roller coaster. It’s been hard for me to buy extra things that I would like my kids and myself to have. I recently just gained a constant job.

- I'm a single mom of two. I had a good paying job before the pandemic but unfortunately I wasn't needed afterwards. I have a job but unfortunately it's not enough for me and my children.

Family #95 -  My daughter suffered a kitchen accident resulting in third-degree burns. This situation has had a significant impact on our family's financial stability.

Family#108 - The youth are under the supervision of Lowndes County Child Protection Services and have been in their custody since 2013 until present.

The youth are under the supervision of Lowndes County Child Protection Services and have been in their custody since 2019 until present.

- I was in a car wreck and my leg was damaged. Still going though recovery.

I recently moved from Omaha Ne and I loss lots of wages I’m just trying to make ends meet.

- My kids are in a bad environment and I’m trying my best to get them from out that neighborhood.

- I lost my Mother and Father. I'm now responsible for my disabled 31 year old brother . I also have an autistic son that receives therapy 3 days a week.

- My son has been battling a brain tumor for 2 years. He has had surgery once before. We are facing another surgery medication cost and medical bills due to him losing Medicaid because of his age and his disability is still pending.

- I'm currently employed at the same job for 6 years. I'm underpaid, Still seeking better employment.

- I have preemie baby and she need all my attention. I'm the only person that take care of my child with no help. It’s hard for me to find a job to work with doctor appointment, and school.

- I'm a single mother looking for employment.

- I'm a single mother who lost job due to sick children.

- I'm recently divorce with three children. We've lost our home and I'm struggling to make ends meet and am going through a financial hardship.

I'm a first-time mother of a 10-month-old girl. Who has to now have to care for my Village. my grandmother's health started to decline, my mother was hospitalized congestive heart failure and needs around-the-clock help.

- I’m a single mom, one of my children has autism which keeps me from finding better employment. I have to accommodate to his schedule.

I’m a single parent of 3 girls . I’m dealing with my mom who has stage 4 colon cancer and breast cancer we been going back and forth to doctor appointments

I am currently trying to find a better job. So I can work and pay for daycare.

My children and I was misplaced in the March 2023.Hamilton Tornado we have since relocated back to Columbus, MS

I had to leave my job due to unforeseen circumstance. I am employed at the moment but it just don't seem to be enough to purchase anything extra for my children or myself.

- I'm a grandmother who has sole custody of my 3 grandchildren after the deaf of their mother. The oldest struggles the most with behavior and emotional issues due to this tragedy. I have a limited income do to my disability. I struggle to provide basic needs for the children. I rely on others in my family and community to get around due to no transportation.

- I'm a single mother of 3. I recently lost my job because of my sick child. I've also lost my life partner due to illness. I'm struggling to get basic needs for my family.

I'm signal working mother of 3 girls. It's hard for me to supply anything for Christmas. Currently looking for better wages.

- The youth are under the supervision of Lowndes County Child Protection Services and have been in their custody since 2015.

I'm a single working mother, Juggling working and caring for my two children. We're facing tough times and could use some assistance to make Christmas special.

- The Family is presently collaborating with the agency to work towards reunification. The youth are currently on trial home visit placement with their parents.

- The youth are in Webster County under the supervision of Lowndes County Child Protection Services and have been in custody since 2023.

The youth are under the supervision of Lowndes County Child Protection Services and have been.

- The youth are under the supervision of Lowndes County Child Protection Services and have been in their custody since 2023.

I'm a single father of three. Who was recently in an accident that left me unable to return to work.

I'm a single mother/aunt. I've been sick myself. it's been a challenge taking custody of my deceased sister boys, but I wanted them all together. One of the boys is autistic.

We adopted three little girls then My husband had a stroke that resulted in him not being able to work. We went from a two income house to just one.

In May my husband went in the hospital which he stayed on life support for 3 days after coming off of life support they kept him in the hospital more days. We're still try to recover from this hardship.

- We were homeless community counseling helped me and put me and my children in a new home.

When we pay the bills, we don't have enough to buy the children anything. We have choose between pay the bill or getting something to eat.

I have seizures, and my husband is disabled. It's hard to get our children the things they need, like shoes for winter and enough clothes.

- We had to relocate due to unsafe environment in Memphis, We are currently in Starkville to find housing

- My husband fell ill and was forced to resign from his job. He has since applied for disability but still has not been approved. I do work but trying to maintain all of our bills, medical expenses, feed and keep our children clothed has proven to be a bit much at times.

I'm a single mom of 4 children. Dad is absent from the home and do not provide for the children. Iam on a monthly income and it is extremely hardtaking care of them and bills. I live from pay check to pay check. I would greatly appreciate the help.

My child is deceased. I now have custody of my four grandchildren.

I've had two heart attacks and a triple bypass. It's difficult to walk around due to meatal plates in my neck and multiple back surgeries. My Husband two heart attacks followed by stents He has been off work since April he just finished cardiac rehab. We have custody of our 3 grandchildren. It's been hard but we're trying to make it work.

We had to adopt our three grandchildren. We're on a fixed income, we're doing the best we can with what we have . We trying to provide a good steady home for them with structure. Anything would be appreciate.

I was recently diagnosed with arthritis in my lower back I was released from work because of my condition.

My sister and I were homeless. we recently moved in an apartment together. My sister stayed at home with the children while I worked. I was recently laid off until further notice. Currently looking for employment.

- The youth are under the supervision of Lowndes County Child Protection Services and have been in their custody since June 2023.

- Since 2013, this group of siblings has been under the care of Lowndes County Child Protection Services.

I'm a single mother of 5 children. It's hard raising 5 kids on my own with no help. I have a job were I can I pay the bills, keep food on our table , and get what they need but i really want to make their Christmas special this year.

It's just been hard for me to find a job. Looking for employment.

- I'm a father of four ,currently waiting for disability assistance as I recover from a herniated disk that has prevented me from working.

My children and I were homeless. We have been blessed with a home. Due to childcare & other obstacles I lost my job and going through hardship to keep home and bills paid.

I was granted custody of the 6 children last year and still have them in my custody.

I'm a mother of six children. One of my children is disabled and need 24 hour care. This keeps me being able to work.

Sponsor Information
Families of 2
List of Families of 2
Families of 3
Families of 3
My daughter friend passed away and she was being bullied at school. Because of this she started acting out, diagnosed with depression, social anxiety, and mood swings. I have missed a lot of days of work. Eventually I had to quick my job just to be at home with her. [1 remaining]
I have been laid off from my job that I worked at for 5 years.. I have been out of work for 3 months. I still haven’t found work yet. [1 remaining]
Families of 4
List of Families of 4
I'm currently employed, hoping for a better job . [1 remaining]
I'm currently employed at the same job for 6 years. I'm underpaid, Still seeking better employment. [1 remaining]
I have preemie baby and she need all my attention. I'm the only person that take care of my child with no help. It’s hard for me to find a job to work with doctor appointment, and school. [1 remaining]
I’m a single mom, one of my children has autism which keeps me from finding better employment. I have to accommodate to his schedule. [1 remaining]
I had to leave my job due to unforeseen circumstance. I am employed at the moment but it just don't seem to be enough to purchase anything extra for my children or myself. [1 remaining]
I'm a single mother of 3. I recently lost my job because of my sick child. I've also lost my life partner due to illness. I'm struggling to get basic needs for my family. [1 remaining]
I'm signal working mother of 3 girls. It's hard for me to supply anything for Christmas. Currently looking for better wages. [1 remaining]
Families of 5
List of Families of 5
My husband and I were able to take in two teen boys that we had known and cared for thru our son for several years. They attended school with my son. [1 remaining]
In May my husband went in the hospital which he stayed on life support for 3 days after coming off of life support they kept him in the hospital more days. We're still try to recover from this hardship. [1 remaining]
We were homeless community counseling helped me and put me and my children in a new home. [1 remaining]
When we pay the bills, we don't have enough to buy the children anything. We have choose between pay the bill or getting something to eat. [1 remaining]
I have seizures, and my husband is disabled. It's hard to get our children the things they need, like shoes for winter and enough clothes. [1 remaining]
We had to relocate due to unsafe environment in Memphis, We are currently in Starkville to find housing . [1 remaining]
My husband fell ill and was forced to resign from his job. He has since applied for disability but still has not been approved. I do work but trying to maintain all of our bills, medical expenses, feed and keep our children clothed has proven to be a bit much at times. [1 remaining]
I was recently diagnosed with arthritis in my lower back I was released from work because of my condition . [1 remaining]
My sister and I were homeless. we recently moved in an apartment together. My sister stayed at home with the children while I worked. I was recently laid off until further notice. Currently looking for employment [1 remaining]
The youth are under the supervision of Lowndes County Child Protection Services and have been in their custody since June 20234 [1 remaining]
Since 2013, this group of siblings has been under the care of Lowndes County Child Protection Services. [1 remaining]
I've been taking care of 4 children on my own. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer last year and had surgery in December of 2022. I haven't had a full time job since. [1 remaining]
I was working for a company making a decent living for myself and my children. The company was shut down. [1 remaining]
Families of 6
List of Families of 6
I'm a single mother of 5 children. It's hard raising 5 kids on my own with no help. I have a job were I can I pay the bills , keep food on our table , and get what they need but i really want to make their Christmas special this year. [1 remaining]
It's just been hard for me to find a job. Looking for employment. [1 remaining]
I'm a father of four ,currently waiting for disability assistance as I recover from a herniated disk that has prevented me from working. [1 remaining]
Families GT 6
List of Families GT 6
My children and I were homeless. We have been blessed with a home. Due to childcare & other obstacles I lost my job and going through hardship to keep home and bills paid. [1 remaining]