2024 Adopt a Family

2024 Christmas Adopt a Family gives individuals, families, business and industry the opportunity to serve hard-working and self-sufficient families who have verified financial emergencies caused by a catastrophic illness, layoff, or other major adversity beyond their control. Attached are the family needs. Please understand the family’s name is not included out of respect for their privacy. Please note that this is not an application process. All families are pre-determined. If you would like to adopt one of the families, follow these instructions:

  • Families are divided in to groups by family size 
  • Click on the + at the right of a group to expand the page
  • Click on the Family# link to open a new window with that families' information, wish lists, sizes, etc.
  • TO SELECT A FAMILY return to the original window and scroll to the SPONSOR INFORMATION
  • Fill-in all blanks for the Sponsor Information
  • Scroll to the list of families and check the family/families you want to adopt
  • Scroll to the bottom of the form
  • [SUBMIT]
  • Print the two forms on the "Thank-you for adopting" page OR click HERE
  • To Submit an IN-KIND form for tax purposes click HERE
    Fill them out and bring them with you when you drop off gifts
    We moved!!!  362 Park Creek Dr, Columbus, MS
  • Deadline to drop off gifts is on or BEFORE DEC 06, 2024 (EXTENSION Granted AS NEEDED)
  • Partial Deliveries are NOT accepted - all gifts per family MUST be dropped off at the same time - We moved!!!  362 Park Creek Dr, Columbus, MS
  • To give a monetary donation click the donate button below or cash app $unitedway39701


About Our Families

Family #30 - The child is in the custody of Lowndes County MDCPS. - ADOPTED

Family #33 - This child is in Lowndes County CPS custody. - ADOPTED

Family #42 - The child is currently in the custody of Lowndes County MDCPS. - ADOPTED

Family #47 - The child is in Lowndes County MDCPS Custody. - ADOPTED

Family #48 - This child is in the custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

Family #49 - This child is in the custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

Family #66 - This child is in the custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

Family #73 - This child is in the custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

Family #77 - This child is in the custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

Family #79 - This child is in the custody of Lowndes County CPS.- ADOPTED

Family #82 - The child is in CPS Custody. - ADOPTED

Family #83 - This child is in the custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

Family #89 - Had a house fire June 2023 (total loss) in Illinois relocated to Starkville, MS August in 2023 to start over. - ADOPTED

Family #97 - This child is in the custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

Family #114 - This child is in the custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

Family #115 - The family is receiving services from Okt. Co. CPS. - ADOPTED

Family #117 - Oldest daughter (age 21) has assumed temporary guardianship over younger brother (age 18) after their mom suffered a serious illness that left her in a vegetative state. The two are now trying to find their own apartment after a foreclosure on their house. - ADOPTED

Family #123 - This family is struggling a lot because the young girl was being taken care of by her grandfather due to her parents abandoning her. Last year her grandfather passed in front of her and her uncle took over guardianship. - ADOPTED

- The children are in the custody of Webster County MDCPS. - ADOPTED

- The children are in the custody of Webster County MDCPS. - ADOPTED

- The children are in the custody of Webster County MDCPS. - ADOPTED

- The children are in the custody of Noxubee MDCPS. - ADOPTED

- The children are in MDCPS Custody. - ADOPTED

- The children are in the custody of Lowndes County MDCPS. - ADOPTED

I am unemployed.  I got laid off at my last job due to lack of funds. I have been applying to jobs and also am taking care of my mom who has dementia. - ADOPTED

- The children are in the custody of Lowndes Co. CPS. - ADOPTED

- The children are in Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

- These kids are in the custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

- The children are in Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

- The children are in Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

- The children are in Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

- The children are in the custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

- The child is in the custody of Lowndes County MDCPS. - ADOPTED

- The child is in the custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

- The children are in the custody of Noxubee CO. CPS. - ADOPTED

- The children are in the custody of Noxubee CPS. - ADOPTED

- I am single father who lives with the boys grandfather my father. My oldest son has had a rough year and tried to commit suicide this year. I want to give my child and his brother a better Christmas, but am struggling financially. - ADOPTED

- The children are in the custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

- The children are in the custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

- The children are in the custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

- The children are in the custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

- The children are in the custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTEd

- The children are in the custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

- The children are in the custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

- We suffered two back to back house fires within a year. - ADOPTED

- The children are in the custody of CPS. - ADOPTED

- The children are in the custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

- The children are in the custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

- The children are in the custody of Lowndes County CPS.

- The children are in the custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

- Lost job, kids need more clothes. - ADOPTED

- The children are in the custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

- Parents had to move in with their parent until able to get on their feet.  Both parents are now working part time.  Individual lost her mother a few years ago and father and step mother has custody now.


- I have Epilepsy and cannot keep a job because I am constantly in the hospital for different injuries that occur when I have a seizures. My children deserve a great Christmas.

- A single mother with three kids that just finished a divorce from an emotionally and mentally abusive man. She now lives alone with her three kids and works full time, while taking college classes.n - ADOPTED

- The children are in Webster County MDCPS custody. - ADOPTED

- The children are in the custody of Winston County CPS. - ADOPTED

- The children are in the custody of Webster County CPS.

- The children are in the custody of Noxubee County CPS.

- The children are in the custody of Noxubee County CPS. The children are on a trial home placement with there mother. - ADOPTED

- The children are in the custody of Winston County CPS.

- The children are in Lowndes County custody. - ADOPTED

- Our family has been struggling with mental illness with my oldest son. I constantly have to miss work due to doctors appointments or school pick ups because he’s done something at school. - ADOPTED

- I'm a struggling single mom of three who recently had to move back home with my parents because I couldn't afford my bills alone. I have two children whom currently receive counseling for behavioral problems.

- I’m a single mother raising 3 kids their fathers are nowhere around and I work a 9 to 5 job just to make ends meet. - ADOPTED

- The children are in the custody of Lowndes County MDCPS. - ADOPTED

- These children are in custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

- These children are in custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

- These children are in custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

- These children are in custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

- These children are in custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

- These children are in custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

-  I am a single parent doing the best I can. I am asking you for help this holiday season. I need help with shoes 7 toddlers, 9 teen, 7 kid, 10 adult. - ADOPTED

- The children are receiving services from Oktibbeha County CPS. - ADOPTED

- The family is currently receiving services from the agency. - ADOPTED

- The children are in the custody of MDCPS. - ADOPTED

- The family is receiving services from Oktibbeha Co. CPS. - ADOPTEd

- The children are in the custody of Lowndes Co. CPS. - ADOPTED

- The children are in the custody of Lowndes Co. CPS.

- The children are in the custody of Lowndes Co. CPS.

- Single mother of 3 was recently homeless. Had to spend all my money to get us a place to stay.

- On August 29, 2024 we lost our home to a house fire. We lost everything including the family dog. - ADOPTED

- I have custody of my 2 great grandchildren they are 12 and 14. I'm 72 and there mother just came home from prison. - ADOPTED

- I'm a recovering addict I worked hard to get my kids back. The past couple years they have had their own mental health struggles in and out of treatment. - ADOPTED

- I’m a single mother of 3, I have a job but I’m struggling to make ends meet. - ADOPTED

Single mother of 3 working full-time to make ends meet. This family just lost her father and their grandfather, and a pet of 14 years so they are emotionally and financially struggling. - ADOPTED


The children are in the custody of Noxubee MDCPS. - ADOPTED

The children are in custody of Noxubee County MDCPS.

Mom was laid off last week and will not return to work until after Thanksgiving week due to a shortage.  Mom has been saving, but that will only cover her bills for the next month. - ADOPTED

Mom is a single parent that has just moved from renting to purchasing her own trailer.  Oldest two children has been struggling with mental health issues. - ADOPTED

The children are in the custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

The children are in the custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

The children are in the custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

- The children are in the custody of Lowndes County CPS. - ADOPTED

Recently moved to Mississippi to make a fresh start. Partner and I are raising 3 daughters.  We had to start from scratch and it is taking awhile to financially recover.

Since moving to Columbus from Nashville, I’ve faced one challenge after another. I lost my job, and shortly after, I was in a car accident that took my car.

A year ago I got involved with CPS with my children due to the home we were once staying in wasn’t stable for us to stay in at the time. - ADOPTED

Had to file bankruptcy in order to keep my vehicle after separation from my ex-husband. My income has changed and I don’t have money to buy things. - ADOPTED

The children are in Webster County MDCPS Custody.

Dad has had a heart attack which caused him to not be able to work. It's a hardship due to his wife losing her job three months ago and dad disability benefits are all the family has.

Our client graduated high school and college, but then was in a car wreck that has had the family struggling to make ends meet and would benefit from assistance.

The child we serve has autism and is learning to adjust to his mother's illness. Mother was just in a wreck that has her unable to walk or tend to the household like she was doing. Father is employed by the police department and the oldest son recently starting working to help with the financial hardship that the family is enduring.

Mom of 11(3 graduated) and 8 under 18 living in a temporary home. Had to relocate from home because of damage to it and it was considered unsafe. Since having to move we’re struggling to get back on track and find a permanent home. Also lost a lot of our household items.

Sponsor Information
Families of 2
List of Families of 2
Families of 3
Families of 3
Families of 4
List of Families of 4
Families of 5
List of Families of 5
Families of 6 - ALL ADOPTED
List of Families of 6
Families GT 6 - ALL ADOPTED
List of Families GT 6
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